Utah law allows you to change your name to whatever name better suits you.
Name changes require a court hearing. An experienced attorney is recommended.

The law has a plan for those who die without a valid will. For those who want a say in what happens to their estate, and who administers it, a valid last will and testament is a necessity. In your will you can detail your own wishes regarding who inherits from you, when they can inherit, and if there are any conditions for inheritance. You also decide and name the person(s) you trust to administer your estate.

A trust can be an excellent tool for customizing your estate plan. Because there are numerous kinds of trusts, it is important to establish one that meets your specific needs and those of your family. At the Salt Lake City office of Stephen J. Buhler, Attorney at Law, we can help you explore your trust options and create a trust that is specifically designed to achieve your goals.

Probate is the necessary court procedure to transfer assets from the estate of a deceased person to his or her heirs. Probate is required in many cases whether the person died with or without a last will and testament. Probate is usually an uncontested and straight-forward proceeding.

Adoption is often one of the most rewarding cases for attorneys and judges. There are several types of adoption cases, each one with it’s own set of legal requirements. Because of the importance and permanence of adoption decrees, strict adherence to the law is required in all cases.

Divorce causes a strain on both your emotions and your finances. One of the most important decisions you make is whom you select as a lawyer. You need an attorney who has proven ability to resolve differences between spouses — someone who is able to limit or eliminate the concept that divorce is a battle to be “won.”

If you have a child out of wedlock you will probably need to go to court for at some point to establish the rules for raising that child once you and the other parent break up. A Paternity – or what we now call Parentage case – addresses many of the same issues as does a divorce, but it is focused just on the care of your child or children.

Guardianship give a person the right and authority to take over the affairs of another. Guardianship requires medical proof (such as a doctor’s letter) of incapacity. Guardians provide an annual status report to the court. Parents petitioning to be appointed guardians of a disabled child who is reaching adulthood receive special consideration under the law.

People choose whether their premarital agreement governs their relationship in case of divorce, death, or both. Premarital agreements are often used to protect the inheritance of children born prior to the marriage. They are also used to define and protect separate property in the case of divorce. A premarital agreement carefully drafted by a competent attorney can be a valuable asset.